Green Future Forestry provides carbon offset solutions for businesses and individuals while benefiting American farmers and landowners.

Our efforts are 100% focused on reforestation (the planting of trees where they were recently removed), afforestation (the planting of trees where there previously were none), and sustainable forest management. 

We are a carbon offset provider that delivers offset solutions that are sustainable in a transparent manner to benefit local farmers and landowners in the United States. There are other companies and organizations that focus on preserving the rainforests in South America, Africa, and Asia and their efforts are absolutely commendable; however, Green Future, a farmer-owned and managed business, was founded to access an untapped potential for reforestation of marginal farmland and deforested areas in the continental United States. 

Mission Statement

Our mission is to encourage and enable businesses and individuals to offset their carbon emissions by supporting U.S. farmers & landowners in reforestation, afforestation, and forest management efforts. 


Create a company that makes a genuine, sustainable, and ever-growing positive impact on the environment, on global efforts to slow climate change, and on the rural farm economy in the United States.

Net-Zero Emissions

With ever-increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere, society must seek ways to draw at least as much of this greenhouse gas out of the atmosphere as we put into it. This concept is called “Net-zero” and companies and individuals that make a “Net-zero pledge” express their commitment to cause no harm to the global climate through an unchecked carbon footprint. The act of removing carbon from the atmosphere to counter emissions is called a carbon offset.

Carbon Cycle Carbon Offset Provider
Plants, especially large ones such as trees, draw carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and capture it in wood, leaves, and other biomass components. By engaging in carbon offset through reforestation, you can actively remove carbon from the atmosphere for years to come. Green Future is a carbon offset provider that makes it possible for business owners to remedy their activities on the right side of this image by planting trees every year.

Carbon Offset

Being realistic, it is not feasible to reduce carbon emissions to zero without destroying the global economy. While humanity should pursue clean-energy initiatives, there will always be some emissions generated from human activity on Earth. Therefore, the only way to achieve a net-zero goal is to remove carbon from the atmosphere.

This process is called carbon offset and will be a critical activity on a global scale over the next centuries – removing carbon from the atmosphere is not a fad or a fleeting market trend; it is becoming a requirement for sustainable life on Earth as we know it. In order for the Earth to sustain a modern population of over 7.9 billion people, we must actively undertake initiatives to control the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. 

Nature’s Way

There are several existing methods of carbon capture, often reliant on complex chemical or physical processes, and many more have been proposed. Technological advancement is a key item in our toolkit, but one method of carbon capture stands tall above the rest – trees. 

Trees naturally pull a large amount of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere as they grow, storing the carbon in the wood that is produced. If the tree grows for a lifetime and eventually falls from natural causes, the carbon stays in the forest and becomes part of the soil. Therefore, the planting and proper management of large-scale forest plots are an excellent way to offset a carbon footprint. Additionally, planting trees on land that was previously bare or in agricultural use is extremely beneficial for wildlife and the entire natural ecosystem. A carbon offset provider enables landowners to plant trees where the otherwise would not have been able to.

Domestic Carbon Offset 

Reforestation efforts and carbon offset in general are becoming increasingly popular around the world. Many carbon offset providers focus on preserving and reforesting areas in central Africa or in South America. These efforts are very important and are certainly laudable. However, there is an enormous untapped opportunity for carbon capture through reforestation in the United States. A 2019 study found that over 50% of the global potential for tree restoration was found in only six countries, with the U.S. coming in second boasting 254.5 million acres of reforestation potential

Hundreds of thousands of farmers and landowners possess areas of marginal farmland, unused pastures, reclaimed mines, and deforested lands. Many of these individuals would love nothing more than to have a healthy forest growing on that land, but cannot justify the input cost to plant trees on such a large scale. Green Future Forestry aims to facilitate reforestation efforts on these lands, using these tree-planting projects to achieve businesses’ and individuals’ net-zero carbon goals. 

In summary, Green Future’s reforestation projects provide carbon offset through natural, proven, and sustainable methods.  Green Future supports the rural American economy by working with domestic businesses and individuals to complete projects and providing value-growing trees to farmers and other landowners. We are a carbon offset provider that offers affordable and sustainable solutions.

Make a decision to offset your carbon emissions today! Check out our carbon offset solutions for businesses and for individuals

Carbon Offset Plans & Pricing

Some of our carbon offset plans include these convenient options:

For Annual and Lifetime Carbon Offset Plans, view our carbon offset solutions for businesses and for individuals

  1. Bastin, J., Finegold, Y., Garcia, C., Mollicone, D., Rezende, M., Routh, D., Crowther, T. W. (2019). The global tree restoration potential. Science, 365(6448), 76-79. doi:10.1126/science.aax0848