If you are reading this, you have taken an important first step toward operating your business in a sustainable and environmentally-friendly manner by considering carbon offset for business. Chances are, no one has forced you to come here, so we thank you. Voluntary carbon offset is something extremely beneficial to the environment, as well as being beneficial to your business. Find out below how you can run your business sustainably while gaining a positive return on investment on your carbon solution. Not only do we provide carbon offset, we also help you leverage the marketing opportunity that your contribution to global sustainability provides. If you are doing a genuinely good thing, why not show it off? 

Why Carbon Offset with Green Future? 

1.) It is the right thing to do

Green Future’s reforestation projects provide carbon offset for businesses through natural, proven, and sustainable methods. There are no gimmicks or risky technologies involved, and you do not need a degree in chemical engineering to understand our business; if you understand the concept of a tree, then you understand our offering.  In addition, Green Future supports the rural American economy by working with domestic businesses to complete projects and by providing value-growing trees to farmers and other landowners. Even though your business will benefit from your carbon offset, it would be a good and honorable thing to do even if this was not the case. 

Carbon Offset and the Carbon Cycle
Plants, especially large ones such as trees, draw carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and capture it in wood, leaves, and other biomass components. By engaging in carbon offset through reforestation, you can actively remove carbon from the atmosphere for years to come. Green Future’s carbon offset for business makes it possible for business owners to remedy their activities on the right side of this image by planting trees every year.

2.) Green Future provides your business with a comprehensive solution

It can be extremely difficult for any business, whether that be a sole proprietorship or a large corporation, to develop and implement carbon offset projects on their own. Green Future provides fully comprehensive carbon offset for businesses:

  • Green Future finds landowners and farmers in the U.S. to provide land for planting projects
  • Green Future coordinates sustainable and eco-friendly reforestation projects
    • GFF does not plant monocultures, and these are not tree farms (see Success Stories). Our projects are focused on the planting of native tree species and the development of natural forests that benefit the entire ecosystem. This allows wildlife to flourish and the land to return to a self-sustaining biome without the need for invasive active management practices. 
  • Green Future provides status updates on all projects throughout their lifetime, including content that can be used in marketing materials or to share with family and friends. 

3.) Green Future Marketing Support

Your customers care about the environment, do you?

Year after year, individuals and businesses are becoming more conscious of the need to reduce carbon emissions in order to limit the effects of climate change. This not only affects consumers actions in day-to-day life, but also influences how and where they buy, as well as the feeling they get while doing so. 

A 2019 report found that 37% of consumers prefer and are willing to pay up to 5% more for environmentally friendly products!(1) Additionally, the report found that a majority of U.S. consumers feel that the actions of companies are more important for environmental change than are government regulations. This is your call to act.

Carbon Offset Marketing

Environmentally conscious individuals do care that you are running your business in a sustainable way. Green Future helps you show off your good behavior. When businesses offset their annual emissions with us, we provide:

  • a certificate of carbon offset
  • digital marketing materials for your use
  • the ability to order standard marketing materials for storefront use (stickers, signage, and more)
  • for large projects, the opportunity to create custom marketing materials expressing your business’s commitment to carbon neutrality
    • These materials include both your business’s logo and information, as well as that of Green Future
  • a customized article for public release
    • For example:  “Red Hot Ice Cream, Inc. has partnered with Green Future Forestry to plant over 100,000 trees, upholding a commitment to operate in line with their pledge to achieve net-zero carbon emissions […] The project will be located in […]”
  • ongoing support for marketing issues
    • If you work with Green Future, we will be glad to answer any questions you have and provide marketing support related to your offset. We want to make sure you and your customers understand how you are benefiting the global environment and local ecosystems. 

For businesses working with us on large offset projects, site visits to planting projects (including opportunities for photography and videography) can be coordinated on a case-by-case basis. Please include this in your request for quotation or contact us.

Get Started Today!

For small and medium sized businesses, we have three standard solutions that can allow business owners to quickly cover their carbon offset needs. For all other businesses, and those needing custom solutions, please click here to request a quote. 

Sources (Carbon Offset for Business):

  1. Toluna: More young consumers seeking environmentally conscious brands. (2019, Nov 15). Manufacturing Close – Up Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/wire-feeds/toluna-more-young-consumers-seeking/docview/2314508222/se-2?accountid=8289